11. Main prolog implementations

main source : Comparison of Prolog implementations

11.1. Prolog implementations

Name C Interface[3] Code Profiler Compiled Code Debugger Interactive Interpreter Java Interface[3] Licence Native Graphics Native OS Control OS Object Oriented Stand Alone Executable Syntax Unicode
AllegroProlog Yes, via Lisp Yes, via Lisp Yes Yes Yes Yes, via Lisp Commercial, limited free edition available Yes, via Lisp Unix, Windows, Mac OS X Yes Yes S-expressions. Full Common Lisp integration. Yes
BProlog Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Free for non-commercial uses Yes Unix, Windows, Mac OS X Yes Yes ISO-Prolog, plus event-handling, CLP(FD), and tabling Yes
Ciao Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes GPL, LGPL Yes Unix, Windows, Mac OS X Yes Yes ISO-Prolog, plus extensions
DOS-PROLOG Yes Yes Shareware Yes Yes MS-DOS Yes Edinburgh Prolog Yes
ECLiPSe Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MPL Yes Linux, Windows, Solaris, macOS Extended Prolog, Multi-dialect, including ISO
GNU Prolog Yes Yes Yes Yes GPL, LGPL Yes Unix, Windows, Mac OS X Yes ISO-Prolog
JIProlog Yes via Java Yes Yes Yes Shareware/Commercial and AGPL Yes Yes via Java JVM, Android Yes ISO-Prolog Yes
JLog Yes Yes Yes GPL Yes JVM ISO-Prolog
JScriptLog Yes GPL Web Browser ISO-Prolog
jTrolog Yes Yes Yes LGPL JVM ISO-Prolog tests[permanent dead link] Yes
LPA-PROLOG Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Commercial Yes Yes Windows Yes Yes Edinburgh Prolog with extensions Yes
Open Prolog Yes Freeware Mac OS
Poplog Prolog Yes Yes Yes Yes Free Open Source Only through POP-11, on Linux Yes Linux (32- and 64-bit), Unix, Windows Yes Edinburgh Prolog, with interfaces to Poplog Common Lisp and Pop-11
SICStus Prolog Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Commercial Yes Yes Unix, Linux, Windows, macOS Yes Yes ISO-Prolog Yes
Strawberry Prolog Yes Yes Freeware, Commercial Yes Windows, Unix Yes Not ISO-Prolog + extensions Yes
SWI-Prolog Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BSD License Yes Yes Unix, Linux, Windows, macOS Yes ISO-Prolog, Edinburgh Prolog Yes
tuProlog Yes Yes Yes Yes LGPL Yes JVM, Android ISO-Prolog Yes
Visual Prolog Yes Yes Yes Yes Freeware, Commercial Yes Yes Windows Yes Yes Yes
XSB Prolog Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes LGPL Yes Linux, Windows, Solaris, macOS Yes ISO-Prolog, tabled WFS Yes
YAP-Prolog Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes GPL or Artistic (user choice) Yes Linux, Windows, Solaris, Mac OS X, HP-UX Yes Edinburgh, ISO-Prolog, Quintus and SICStus Prolog compatible Yes
Name Conditional compilation HTML Parser HTTP client HTTP server Multi-threading RDF Triple store Sockets Tabling
BProlog Yes
Ciao Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ECLiPSe Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
GNU Prolog Yes
LPA-Prolog Yes Yes Yes Yes
SICStus Prolog Yes Yes Yes
SWI-Prolog Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Prolog Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
XSB Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
YAP-Prolog Yes Yes Yes Yes

11.3. Optimizations

Name Choice Point Elimination Environment Trimming Just-in-Time Indexing Tail-Call Optimization
Ciao Yes Yes ? Yes
ECLiPSe Yes Yes multi-argument (compile time) Yes
GNU Prolog Yes Yes ? Yes
SICStus Prolog Yes Yes Yes
SWI-Prolog Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Prolog Yes (compile time) N/A N/A (compile time) Yes (compile time)
XSB Yes Yes ? Yes
YAP-Prolog Yes Yes Yes Yes

11.4. Static analysis

Name Call-pattern checker Determinacy checker Type checker
Ciao Yes Yes Yes
GNU Prolog
SICStus Prolog Yes
SWI-Prolog Yes
Visual Prolog Yes Yes Yes


12.1. Usages

prolog system description web server graphics doc generator sql interface web client server constraints
swi_prolog yes XPCE library only linux ?
yes ??
tau prolog An open source Prolog interpreter in JavaScript by definition manipulation of the DOM
visual prolog
Prolog IV
SWISH outil interactif pour programmer en prolog
other ? GUI

TTS Text to speech swi prolog pack_install(cowsay)

Open Source projects used by SWI-Prolog

PARADOX : while Prolog was initally designed for natural language processing, there is no simply available Text-to-speech library in Prolog.
==> Must use external tools.

but some exist in Python ! or other librairies in C, etc

12.2. implementation

prolog system company price platforms other
swi_prolog university free Unix, Mac, Windows interface -> C/C++, python, java, JPL, C#
Edinburgh Prolog standard
tau prolog university/GIT free on line tool
visual prolog PDC free
professional edition - 100$
Prolog IV university free
other ?

12.3. See also